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* Try Our Summer course - 2024 *

Next week: Still a few places available

For the first time in a while we are running a summer course for junior sailors. There will be a Beginner group, aimed at covering basic skills and working towards Stage 1 and 2, and an Improver group, aiming at Stage 2 and 3. We will try to meet demands for specific skills to be covered, but it will be dependent on individual abilties within the group.
You will need to be in Year 6 or higher as the location is quite demanding.
There are a around 14 places, so do register for a place quickly.
The course will run for 3.5 hours each day from Monday 22 July to Friday 26 July, so there will be plenty of time to enjoy your sailing.
The course fee is just £150.

Junior Beginner
Junior Improver

* Adult Courses 2024 *

Powerboat Courses are still available and Dinghy Courses if there is interest*

We have just had a really memorable weekend (13-14 July) of sailing and powerboat courses, with the centre buzzing and many people wanting to come back to practise their skills. We are hoping to offer some supervised sessions over the summer, to enable sailors to build their hours, with safety craft and some coaching available. We will email previous course members to let them know dates available soon, but if you are interested please do get in touch.
We have available our usual selection of Powerboat Level 2 and Dinghy Level 1 & 2 courses. Details of this year's courses can be found on:

Adult Powerboat - click here

Adult Dinghy - click here

* Youth Groups - 2024 *

Neptune's beginner youth group completed!

Rigging for a first sail

Neptune ran a Beginner youth group on Tuesdays again.
We had 8 sailors but there were still spare places available.
To encourage young sailors to join us, we arranged for the first two sessions to be free, enabling youngsters to come along and give sailing a try. If it didn't click for you there was nothing to pay.

Fees for those continuing after the trial were kept low, helping family finances at a difficult time.

We will be running another group in 2025. Interested in joining a group? You will need to be in Year 6 or higher (10 years of age) to join the group. Get in touch and find out more.

Youth group details here

Who are Neptune Sailing?

Rigging lots of dinghies

Neptune Sailing is based on the River Orwell at Woolverstone, near Ipswich. We have a large number of craft, of different types and provide a range of Dinghy Sailing and Powerboat training and assessment. During the season the centre is available to both young people and adults. We aim to provide high quality tuition, based on the RYA National schemes.

Neptune Sailing has been working independently, delivering quality water sports experiences, for the last six seasons. We have charitable status and are registered as a company limited by guarantee.

Our Youth Groups run on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings for Beginners, Improvers and Advanced skills and are open to all young people. They are very popular, so making an early approach regarding joining one of the groups is advisable.

Adult training courses are run mainly during weekends and cover the RYA Sailing Schemes to Level 3 and RYA Powerboat Level 1 and 2, as well as Safety Boat. We are happy to offer courses to groups and individuals at other times.

During the school holiday periods week-long courses are available for young people and these are very popular. The courses offer training from beginner Stage 1 to advanced skills Stage 4.

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